
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Opioid Deficit Model of Borderline Personality: Opioid hypersensitivity explains borderline attachment, splitting, and euphoria

The Opioid Deficit Model of Borderline Personality: Opioid hypersensitivity explains borderline attachment, splitting, and euphoria Bandelow et al. (2010) put forth the hypothesis that borderline personality disorder is caused by a deficit in endogenous opioids, with evidence for the role of an opioid deficit in social dysfunctions, hypersexuality, anhedonia, self harm, drug addiction, and eating disorders. In this post, I briefly review the model of Bandelow et al. (2010) and expand on it in relation to borderline attachment, dysphoria & euphoria, and splitting with relation to the role of compensatory upregulation of opioid receptors in borderline personality. Summary of Bandelow et al. (2010) Endogenous opioids function to relieve negative emotional and sensory experiences (such as emotional or physical pain), and to induce feelings of reward. This function is largely related to the mu-opioid receptor (primarily activated by endorphins), and the delta-opioid receptor which large