
Showing posts from June, 2023

Schizotypal Fact Sheet (version 2)

Schizotypal fact sheet version 2 Table of Contents Symptoms Ideas of reference Magical thinking  Odd speech Eccentricity Social anxiety No close friends Unusual perceptual experiences Constricted affect Paranoid ideation Common traits Antagonomia Delayed sleep phase Ambivalence Dyslexic-like traits Motor control Self disorders Anomalous self experience Hyper-reflectivity Double bookkeeping Childhood schizotypal personality disorder The schizophrenia spectrum Personality traits Big Five MBTI Fisher temperament inventory Attachment styles Interests & Strengths Cognitive ability and intelligence Theory of mind Relationship with worldviews and religiosity Relationship with and differentiation from other disorders Psychopathy Borderline personality disorder Schizoid, avoidant, paranoid, and schizophrenia Bipolar disorder Histrionic and narcissistic personality disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder  Substance use Mood disorders Dissociative