
Showing posts from May, 2023

Sexuality in Psychiatric Disorders

Sexuality in Psychiatric Disorders Risks for psychiatric disorders have evolved, and psychiatric disorders are manifestations of different evolved strategies for optimizing reproduction and survival, which may be undesirable but with the exception of severe cases, are adaptive. Different psychiatric disorders (with the exception of disorders that don’t largely affect overall personality and cognition, such as generalized anxiety disorder) therefore involve characteristic patterns of behavior, cognition, and emotionality related to sexuality and reproduction. This post will explore the evidence for what these patterns are in several psychiatric disorders. Sociosexuality Perhaps the broadest individual difference in sexuality in humans is sociosexuality, the degree to which an individual desires to have sexual experiences with people without needing to be in a long term relationship. Sociosexuality is strongly associated with overall sex drive [2], puberty timing (higher sociosexuality =

Genetic Denialism: Debunking the Popular Anti-Scientific Ideology

Genetic Denialism: Debunking the Popular Anti-Scientific Ideology Introduction Genetic denialism is a popular belief where it is assumed that most or all psychological and some physical traits are not and can not be influenced or determined by genetics. This idea is not supported by empirical evidence nor theoretical understanding of the scientific concepts implicated, and is largely based on misunderstanding & misrepresentation of scientific concepts and evidence and what they mean, and also appears to be largely motivated by political and moralistic reasons. In this post I examine the motivations behind genetic denialism (including an evolutionary hypothesis for genetic denialism), the statistical evidence against genetic denialism, why the idea does not make sense theoretically, and why genetic denialism does not promote social justice. Genetic Influences of Traits In this section I will review several traits which are commonly denied to have a genetic component and the evidence