
Showing posts from April, 2022

Latent Structure of Body Dysmorphia, Eating Disorder Symptoms, and Self Esteem Problems in Heterosexual Women, and Their Association with Cluster B Personality Traits

Latent Structure of Body Dysmorphia, Eating Disorder Symptoms, and Self Esteem Problems in Heterosexual Women, and Their Association with Cluster B Personality Traits Eating disorders (specifically ones that involve weight loss) and body dysmorphia are debilitating mental disorders involving extreme difficulties with self-esteem, relationship problems, self harm, and many physical health problems due to the effects of weight loss and body mutilation. These disorders are far more prevalent in females than they are in males (Raevuori et al. 2014), and subclinical behaviors & thoughts characteristic of these disorders are common for females to experience in adolescence (Micali et al. 2014).  I developed a list of items that reflect common ideations, behaviors in body dysmorphia and eating disorders, as well as items related to self esteem, sexuality, and mating, and created a survey (n=68) to investigate the latent structure of these ideations and behaviors, and how they relate to pat